PKU Food Pyramid




Read a story about the Egyptian Pyramids to introduce the idea of the PKU Food Pyramid. Children learn about the PKU Food Pyramid and make their own personal food pyramid.



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • describe the PKU Food Pyramid
  • describe food choices for PKU in terms of the PKU Food Pyramid
  • use the PKU Food Pyramid as a tool to help make healthy food choices



Read the story The Egyptians and the PKU Pyramid.

Lead a discussion:

  • Who first built the pyramids?
  • Why did they choose the pyramid shape?
  • How many years might it take to build an Egyptian pyramid?
  • How can you build your Food Pyramid?
  • Why is the bottom layer of the pyramid so important?
  • What should be in the bottom layer of the PKU Food Pyramid?
  • What is the next layer of the PKU Food Pyramid? Why are these foods important food choices? Do you eat a lot of them?
  • How important is the top layer of the pyramid? What foods build the top layer of your PKU Food Pyramid?

Create your own PKU Food Pyramid:
Give each child a blank food pyramid. They can paste or draw pictures of favorite foods in the appropriate sections.

Activity Sheets:
Distribute the worksheet. Give the children time to complete it and then discuss the answers together. Give each child a PKU Food Pyramid to take home with them.





Post the PKU Food Pyramid on your refrigerator at home. Encourage your child to use it to help them make healthy food choices for PKU.



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