Benaroya Research Institute opportunity

The Ziegler lab of the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason is looking to hire a part-time undergraduate volunteer who can commit to at least 1 year of research, at 20hrs/week. One large focus of the Ziegler Lab is on creating and using mouse models of allergic and autoimmune diseases to understand the mechanisms that underlie disease pathology, as well as to identify potential therapeutic targets. Ideal start date would be as soon as possible.

The student will be working with Dr. Kazushige Ninomiya (Staff Scientist) and Stephanie Varela (MD/PhD student) on projects centering on the role of IL-33 and TSLP cytokines in both an allergic and colon cancer model. The student will have as small or as large of a role as they would like in each of their projects.

Must be comfortable with animal work.

Ideally they would like to have a student with experience with the following:

  • Basic lab skills –  pipetting, making solutions, etc
  • Basic PCR for genotyping – PCR set up, Run and image gels

Skillsets student will learn:

  • Basic ELISAs
  • qPCR – RNA extraction, cDNA generation, and real time PCR, analysis
  • Histology – H&E and immunofluorescent staining
  • Animal dissection, organ removal and processing
  • Immunostaining for flow cytometry

If the above are mastered, potential for student to learn:

  • Developing models of human disease (allergic and cancer models)
    • Animal work: Injections, oral gavages, experiment monitoring, euthanasia
  • Flow cytometry
    •  panel design, staining, DIVA software and LSR training
  • Data analysis and Presentation
  • Potential for publication credit

Career development for the student:

  • Help with pre-graduate applications
  • Presentation/poster opportunities
  • Career Mentorship (Pre-grad, pre-med, or pre-biotech)
  • Networking with scientific, biotech and minority science communities

Please email Stephanie if you are interested at

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