Summer epilepsy internship at Swedish

Over the past 15 years the team at Swedish Epilepsy Center has hosted multiple undergraduates interested in clinical neuroscience for a summer internship. Epilepsy interns learn how they treat patients with epilepsy. Interns work on a research project(s) that is ethical, safe, important, and hopefully fun.

They are specifically looking for one undergraduate interested in pursuing a career in clinical neuroscience to spend 6-8 weeks with us this summer learning about epilepsy, neurology and neurosurgery. The internship has a $4000 stipend associated, and the start and finish dates can vary between Mid-June to Mid-August. Interested applicants can send their CV, an unofficial college transcript, and a 1 page cover letter describing what interests them about a career in clinical neuroscience to the following email: by February 15, 2020.

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