
Over the past year, Hall Health Center has undergone an extensive renovation, and now that the project has been completed, we would like to invite you to attend an event celebrating our “newer and better” building.

Please make plans to join us on Friday, Oct. 14th at 1pm. After a few brief speeches, you may tour the building, to see how we are now in a better position than ever to serve UW students, staff, faculty, and others in the community. Light refreshments will also be served.

Staff members from many of our Clinics and Departments will be on hand to discuss how our many services can be accessed.

Please fwd this message onto students you are in contact with, especially those who are new to the campus and may not know about the student health center.

We look forward to seeing you on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 14th at 1pm!


Mark T. Shaw, M.S.

Director, Health Promotion Department Hall Health Primary Care Center Room #187

Telephone: (206) 616-8476 Fax: (206) 685-1853 Mailing Address: University of Washington, Box 354410, Seattle, WA 98195

Email: mshaw@u.washington.edu Web Site: http://hallhealth.washington.edu/healthpromotion

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