“Interviewing for Health Professional School” webinars 10/2 and 10/16

We are offering a pair of webinars to help students prepare for this admissions cycle like no other.

Interviewing for health professional schools can be scary, especially in virtual spaces.

This workshop will explore how to rehearse without sounding rehearsed, during both synchronous and asynchronous interviews.

We are offering this webinar twice in October:

Friday, October 2nd 2020

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Register here: http://bit.ly/interviewprep-prehlth-oct2

Friday, October 16th 2020

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Register here: http://bit.ly/interviewprep-prehlth-oct16

If you are unable to attend either session, you are welcome to email me for a link to a recording of the webinar.

You are also encouraged to schedule an appointment with a Career Coach to practice your interview skills further!


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