MAPS 3rd General Meeting:” Education inequity a ROOT to Health Care Disparities” this Thursday from 5 – 6 pm

Did you know:

. 15 million children grow up in poverty, and only 8% graduate from college at the age of 24?

. Students w/o a high school degree are less likely to obtain a job that provides health insurance, and more likely to be at risk for chronic health diseases & health problems.

Educational inequity exists all over the country, and it is related to crime rate, unemployment, and lower socioeconomic status. Lower education levels is one of the social determinants of health that we discussed in our meeting last Thursday.

JOIN US in our discussion to understand how education inequity exists in our communities and how education inequity affects health & health care delivery. We are going to explore its causes, implications, and some approaches to alleviating this disparity.

Come LEARN how we could be a part of the solution. We will be kicking off our quarterly service project with the Reach out & Read Program @ Odessa Brown Clinic.

We will also guest speakers from Teach for America & The Dream Project. They will talk about other ways to get involved and take action on this issue.

Our weekly meetings are now from 5:00 to 6:00pm every Thursday in the Ethnic Culture Center – Condon 711B.

Reasons why you should attend:

. Understand the importance of education for children & how education inequity is a social determinant of health.

. Be aware of the injustices facing underserved communities.

. Discover ways to change these inequities and health disparities as well as change the lives of others.

“This is the hardest work on the planet. It’s also the most important.”


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711E Seattle, WA 98105

Meetings every Thursday from 6:00pm-7:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711E. Click here for a map:

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