Consciousness as a Decision to Engage – Neurobiology Lecture

This is an initiative of the Neurobiology Club this year called “Neurobiology: Mind”; a series of faculty presentations and panel discussions focusing on reaching out to students here on campus who are interested in some of the so-called “emergent” properties of the brain such as consciousness, free-will, emotion and memory. We’re hoping to create an informal discussion format (including FREE snacks and coffee) where students from fields as diverse as philosophy, biology, engineering and computer science can ask knowledgeable faculty questions about the brain.

Our first discussion is next week Monday, Nov. 7th at 6 PM in the Allen Auditorium, and will feature Dr. Michael Shadlen giving a talk titled “Consciousness as a Decision to Engage”. Further details are enclosed in the attached flier.

This event is hosted by the Neurobiology Club, a club run by undergraduate Neurobiology majors dedicated to encouraging the community at large to get excited about neuroscience!

For more information, visit our website: Or email us at:

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