Implications for the Modern World

**************************** Heather Clineschmidt Academic Counselor – Lead UAA Advising, University of Washington (206) 543-2550 NEW UNDERGRADUATE COURSE FOR WINTER QUARTER

Public Health Genomics: Implications for the Modern World PHG 300 3 credits, SLN 20282, No Prerequisites MW 3:30-4:50, WFS 201 Meets “Individuals & Society” as well as “The Natural World” requirements

Have you wondered if your destiny is written in the stars or your genes? Occupy the Human Genome: Do you trust private companies with your genetic information? A man in Tennessee got a lighter sentence after a brutal murder because he had a Violence Gene: Can your genes “make you do it”?

In this course, offered by the UW Institute for Public Health Genetics, we’ll talk about how genetic developments are actively changing the world around us and how genes continue to connect us. The course surveys compelling genetic and social issues emerging in the wake of the Human Genome Project; for example, many fresh genomic applications have ethical, societal, political and legal dimensions that are only just beginning to be appreciated. This is a brand new course developed for undergraduates.

Meets the undergraduate “Areas of Knowledge” course requirements for “Individuals & Societies” and “The Natural World”. No prerequisites.

For more information, contact us at

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