Community Discussion THURSDAY on Inequality and the Global AIDS Pandemic

We’re delighted to invite you to an event on inequality and the global AIDS pandemic co-hosted by the Critical Development Forum (CDF) and Global 99 (G99) this THURSDAY for World AIDS Day. The event will feature spoken word, expert panelists, activists living with AIDS, and the local rapper SCRIBES !

More information below, and please see attached poster.


World AIDS Day panel and discussion:

“Unequal Infection: How Inequality Fuels the Global AIDS Pandemic”

This event aims to highlight the relationship between global inequality and the AIDS epidemic. HIV/AIDS is an affliction of inequality, continuously striking the most vulnerable and marginalized then and spreading rapidly among the poor. Inequality drives the epidemic – from the social conditions that provoke HIV transmission to the global politics of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, safety nets, and foreign aid that shape the public health and medical response. The Critical Development Forum (CDF) and the Global 99 have assembled a panel of AIDS activists and public health practitioners experts to describe how the Occupy movement is also a part of the struggle for equity in addressing the AIDS crisis in the United States and around the world.

Panelists include: Renee McCoy, Senior Prevention Manager at Lifelong AIDS Alliance; Phil Bereano, Co-founder of ACT-UP Seattle; Scott Hix, community activist living with AIDS; and graduate students and doctors from around the world who have worked with HIV/AIDS in their own countries.

There will be a special guest performance by local Hip-Hop and R&B artist, Scribes, who has collaborated with artists like Macklemore and Pearl Jam.

Following the discussion there will be an OPEN MIC to share stories of inequality and AIDS and an opportunity to break into groups to organize future events and activities.

WHEN: Thursday, Dec. 1, 3:30-5:30 WHERE: Smith 120

Reception with light refreshments to follow!

Join us for this amazing community event! Bring your ideas, questions, and friends!

Best, Critical Development Forum

pdf iconUnequal_Infection_Poster.pdf

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