Volunteer Opportunity with Pace

PACE Tutoring in 4th and 5th grade classrooms at Northgate Elementary School!

Class sizes these days haven’t just impacted us, these kids are in classes of almost 30 and it is difficult for the teacher to get around to all of them – that’s where we come in! We help the students with reading comprehension, creative writing skills, science projects, math homework, and sometimes even play with them at recess. It is a great opportunity to get involved in our own community and make a local, lasting impact. The more memorable and positive school is for them, the more likely they are to continue onto higher education, and with graduation rates falling, we hope to inspire them to believe in themselves and their future 🙂

We go three times a week TTHF from 1:30-3:30 (leaving UW at 1:30 and returning no later than 3:30)

We are also working to partner up with the Boys and Girls Club who put on an after school program at Northgate – It would be great to work with them in the classroom and then get to go play outside! This type of multi-faceted interaction with the kids will make our program that much stronger. This would take place from 3:00 – 4:30 (arriving back at UW no later than 4:30).

Volunteers are not required to come every day, only on those that they are available. It’s a very flexible program but we do ask that volunteers be mindful of the fact that they are interacting with kids that will notice and be affected by their absence.

For anyone who is interested, please fill out this poll with your availability: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TQ89TBY

-Or- email uwpace@gmail.com with any questions


Emily Lootens

PACE coordinator

Check us out on facebook: UW PACE or our blog: uwpace.tumblr.com

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