AED’s First General Meeting (Take Two!) – doctor panel!

Now that all the snow’s gone we’re going to have our physicians panel! All the physicians were able to re-schedule with us, so you won’t be missing out on anything!

The featured presentation is a Pediatrics-Themed Physician Panel with:

Dr. Hans Ochs (Seattle Children’s Immunology and Pediatrics) Dr. Ken Gow (Seattle Children’s Pediatric Surgery and Oncology) Dr. Robert Fukura (Virginia Mason Primary Care/Pediatrics) Dr. Cate Pihoker (Seattle Children’s Pediatric Endocrinologist)

This is a great way to connect with current physicians and ask questions. You won’t want to miss it!

We will also be offering sign-ups for a lot of great volunteer opportunities!

The meeting will be in Sieg 134 from 6-7pm this Tuesday, January 24th. Hope to see you all there – and as always there will be food!

RSVP Here:

Hope you all enjoyed your snow days! I sure did 🙂

Michelle Drews Webmaster – Alpha Epsilon Delta

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