AED Officer Applications! and free stethoscope!

Hey pre-meds!

Spring break is a great time to fill out your application to be an AED officer for the 2010-11 school year!

As we all know, medical school and other health associated graduate schools demand applicants with a well rounded resume and leadership experience. Your undergraduate years are a key time to begin building these qualities and experiences. AED is a great opportunity to learn how to work in a team, and become intimately involved with the pre-health community here at UW. We are currently looking for motivated officers for next year, so apply now at:

ALL eligible students are encouraged to apply, regardless of your involvement with AED this year. Deadline for all Officer Applications is Sunday, April 3rd at 11:00 PM. Responses need not be long, but should be well-thought-out.

By the way– don’t forget that AED is currently having a t-shirt design contest! The winner will get a free t-shirt, free associate membership for the 2011-12 academic year (if applicable), and a free stethoscope! See guidelines and submit your design at:

Sincerely, – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Josephine Garcia, 2010-11 President AED Pre-Health Honor Society at UW

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