UWSOM Student National Medical Association lecture

Our parent group, is hosting a panel tomorrow Join us:)

Interdisciplinary Healthcare Professional Panel Wednesday, February 15th South Campus Center – S 316 6:00 PM

What are your concerns about our current state of health? The theme for the UW Chapter of the Student Medical National Association (SNMA) Black History Month is “Pride in our Resilience: Strength in Moving Forward.” How do you see us moving forward from our current state? No theories? Come listen to our panel of professionals:

Benjamin Danielson, MD Medical Director Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic Clinical Asst. Professor, Pediatrics

Frederica Overstreet, MD, MPH Family Medicine Harborview Medical Center Professor of African American Health & Health Disparities

LeRoy Horton, DDS General Practice Dentistry

Nancy L. Fisher, RN, MD, MPH, FACMG Chief Medical Officer, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Region X Pediatrics, Clinical Genetics, Preventive Medicine

Ali Thomas, MD, MPH – Panel Moderator Group Health Cooperative, Internist

YOUR 2011-2012 SNMA BOARD:

Sharlay Butler, MS2, Co-Chair Chisula Chambers, MS1, Co-Chair Valeria Diaz, MS2, Treasurer Neli Mottey, MS1, Community Service Liaison Estell Williams, MS3, Secretary Rob Jones, MS3, Webmaster


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711B Seattle, WA 98105 mapsuw@u.washington.edu http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654

Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711B. Click here for a map: http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw/map.jpg

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