AMSA 2012-2013 Officer Applications

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dennis Mike Sorta Date: February 22, 2012 10:02:21 PM PST To: Subject: [UW AMSA Premed] AMSA 2012-2013 Officer Applications

Hey AMSA members,

AMSA is holding their UW AMSA Officer elections for the 2012-2013 year within the next couple of weeks. We are looking for hard-working, creative, committed people to take over for the next chapter of AMSA at the UW. We encourage anyone who is interested in becoming an officer for one of the largest pre-health clubs on campus to check out the officer descriptions below. There will be six outgoing officers at the end of this year which means this is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a leadership position to get involved!

Applications will be in a Catalyst Web-Q format and will include questions regarding previous leadership experiences, involvement with AMSA this year and in past years, and a brief background of yourself highlighting characteristics/qualities that would make you an ideal AMSA officer. The Catalyst Web-Q Application will be available this Friday, February 24th. We will email the link to the Web-Q in the afternoon, so check your emails on Friday. Until then, make sure to check out the officer descriptions below (or and find the position(s) that you are most interested in applying for.

As always, do no hesitate to ask any questions you may have by emailing me or any of the other officers. Thanks and we look forward to working with you in the future!

Dennis Sorta Vice-President UW AMSA Pre-med

Officer Descriptions

The President shall: * Assist the Treasurer in the preparation of a budget. * Advise and support all officers. * Work with UW/National AMSA Advisers * Serve as a chapter delegate to the Premedical Caucus at AMSA’s National Annual Convention each March (or select a surrogate if he/she chooses not to attend). * Oversee the coordination of all projects. * Act as liaison to other premed organizations. * Act as liaison to Kaplan, co-planning special events and dealing with the MCAT course auction. * Be available to hold office hours to accept membership dues/answer questions

Vice President:

* Assist the President and VP of Activities oversee projects. * Perform administrative duties, to include but not limited to booking rooms, evaluating quarterly performance and moderating list-serves. * Organize elections at the end of Winter quarter ( and make a webQ survey or quiz — it doesn’t really matter which. * Organize Kaplan auction(s) using catalyst.

VP of Public Relations and Recruitment:

* Represent UW AMSA premed. at the UW Student Health Consortium. * Organize activities to improve the image and presence of AMSA on the UW campus. * Send emails and Facebook messages to advertise upcoming meetings and events. * Organize and perform tabling duties; seek out opportunities a minimum of once per quarter (RSO activities fair Autumn quarter, Terry Hall Pre-health Fair Winter quarter and AED Pre-health Fair Spring quarter). * Keep a written record of all meetings (general membership meetings, executive, etc.) in order to provide the chapter with a record of issues discussed, problems posed, ideas raised and of the people who participated in the group discussion for benefit of the chapter and its members (Send to Webmaster to update website) * In case of absence, have a substitute previously appointed for that day by any member of the executive committee.

VP of Advocacy and Education:

* Educate members on AMSA mission statement and goals. * Educate members on current health care policy. * Increase awareness of current medical events and movements (status of health care reform). * Facilitate quarterly advocacy events to promote national AMSA’s mission statement, such as MLK Day of Service and National AIDS Day. * Post to AMSA Blog/Ethics Discussion Board. * Organize quarterly volunteer efforts

VP of Membership/Treasurer:

* Organize active recruitment of new members from the student body. * Create a recruitment plan at the beginning of each quarter and present it to the executive committee. * Maintain updated membership records and add new members to our list-serve. * Collect and record all membership fees and convey to Treasurer. * Distribute national AMSA information (available to use for free) and recruitment material. * Distribute AMSA University of Washington Premedical Chapter information and publications. * Respond to emails from interested members.


* Present a budget and a tentative schedule of suggested fundraising activities (Kaplan auction) by the beginning of each quarter for the finance of the chapter (approval needed by the president and the executive committee). * Oversee the fund-raising committee on behalf of the chapter. * Collect all funds from VP of Recruitment and Membership and President * See to the day-to-day expenditures of the chapter. * See to the best of his/her abilities that money used on behalf of the chapter is used wisely, legally and in a manner that suits the purposes of the chapter. * Purchase food for meetings and events.

VP of Activities:

* Present the executive committee with a detailed plan at the beginning of each quarter for 1-2 special events (i.e. suture clinics, casting clinics, ISIS tour, trip to Pacific Science Center, film screening, medical student panels etc). * Promote awareness of and group participation in organized events in coordination with VP of Public Relations and Advocacy. * Organize and coordinate activities to include personal participation the day of the activity. * Delegate duties to other officers and/or a sub committee.


* Revamp/update the UW AMSA website with regular announcements. * Daily check account and delegate email responses to the appropriate officer. * Update the Facebook page. * Create/Regulate AMSA Blog/Ethics Discussion Board. * Maintain Twitter account (or other modern or social networking websites to improve Public Relations). * Keep a calendar of all relevant chapter activities, updated weekly.


* Attend weekly ASUW Senate meetings. * Inform AMSA members of notable legislation. * Conduct a physical vote among the AMSA constituency if necessary or vote according to AMSA’s mission and core principles. * Submit legislation as seen fit, especially if a need presents itself on the topics of high-quality health care as a right, heath disparities, healthcare disparities, public service, innovation, and institutional change. * Educate members on campus-wide initiatives and activities. * Aid the VP of Advocacy and Education in promoting awareness for local and national policy.

All Officers:

* Preside at all meetings when available. * Plan at least one meeting per year (special topic of interest/guest speaker). * Promptly answer officer correspondence or emails sent from the Webmaster. * Quarterly update Google calendar to aid in scheduling. * Attend mandatory officer meetings (dates/frequency TBD). * Help with special event tabling. * Promote a positive reputation for UW AMSA. * Recruit prospective guest speakers.

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