OHSU Equity Summer Research–Applications due April 2

Check out this great summer research opportunity at OHSU!!

Interested in Dentistry, Medicine or Research?

Thinking about applying to Graduate School?

Join Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

for the 2012 Equity Summer Research Program http://www.ohsu.edu/academic/diversity

The OHSU Equity Summer Research, Dental and Medicine Internship Program offers:

. An exciting opportunity to spend 8 to 10 weeks working with faculty and graduate students in

a research setting, learning new skills and gaining hands-on experience.

. Weekly seminars and meetings with fellow students and faculty to discuss ongoing research.

. An opportunity to present a poster presentation of your summer research project.

. Ongoing, personal mentoring about your individual career pathway from OHSU faculty.

. A paid stipend during the program ($9.00/h – 2,880.00 total) – The stipend will be distributed July and August (June 18 – August 10, 2012)


Please visit link below for further details about this wonderful opportunity


Applications Deadline:

Monday, April 2, 2012

4:00pm (PST)


Contact Ebony Lawrence



3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.

Portland, Oregon 97239-3098 L601


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711B Seattle, WA 98105 mapsuw@u.washington.edu http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654

Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711B. Click here for a map: http://students.washington.edu/mapsuw/map.jpg

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pdf iconEquity APPLICATION v2 9-28-2012 (EL).pdf pdf iconRECOMMENDATION FORM–Equity.pdf

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