Podiatry event (co-hosted with AED and AMSA)

UW Pre-health clubs hosted Podiatry event!

Who: Dr. Susan Scanlan, DPM What: Information session on Podiatric Medicine + PIZZA! Where: Smith 107 When: Wednesday 3/30 at 6:30pm

Note: please RSVP using the link below so we know how much pizza to order! https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/chenn3/129078

Dr. Susan Scanlan is the Executive Director of the Washington State Podiatric Medical Association. She will speak about the profession of podiatry and podiatric medical school information, to include the application process and job outlook. Dr. Scanlan will be accompanied by a resident who will add insight to the conversation. In addition, these professionals will come prepared with shadowing opportunities for interested students. This is not an event you want to miss!

See you all there, ~UW MAPS

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