You’re Invited to World Malaria Day 2012

Dear All, Here is an invite from PATH:

Please join us on Wednesday, April 25, to commemorate World Malaria Day. The global theme this year is “Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in Malaria.” The keynote speaker for this event is Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Director and UW Global Health Professor Christopher Murray, with opening remarks from PATH’s Malaria Control Program Director Kent Campbell. Dr. Murray will discuss recent impact in the fight against malaria as well as challenges and opportunities for the future.

The event will include a community marketplace, where Episcopal Relief and Development, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, the Infectious Disease Research Institute, the Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership in Africa, PATH Diagnostics, the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, Rotary Malaria Partners, Seattle BioMed, the UW Department of Global Health, the Washington Global Health Alliance, World Vision, and the Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network will present their latest work in fighting malaria.

Food and beverages will be served. A complete agenda is below. You can register for the event by clicking here.

PATH World Malaria Day 2012 Agenda PATH, 2201 Westlake Ave., Room 226, Seattle, WA April 25, 2012 4:30 – 5:15 Community marketplace 5:15 – 5:20 Opening remarks: Ayo Ajayi, Vice President, PATH Field Programs 5:20 – 5:30 Kent Campbell, PATH Malaria Control Program 5:30 – 5:50 Keynote address: Christopher Murray, IHME, UW Global Health 5:50 – 6:10 Q&A session 6:10 – 7:00 Reception, community marketplace

Laura Newman Senior Communication Associate Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership in Africa (PATH)

Mail: PO Box 900922 | Seattle, WA 98109 USA Street: 2201 Westlake Avenue, Suite 200 | Seattle, WA 98121 Tel: 206.302.4581 | Skype: laurajnewman Web: |

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