MAPS 10th Annual Benefit Talent Showcase & Auction! (THIS FRIDAY)

Greetings MAPS supporter,

MAPS UW cordially invites you to our 10th Annual Annual Benefit Talent Showcase & Auction. This year, MAPS has decided to donate the proceeds to Rotacare Lake City ( Rotacare Lake City is a community health center in Lake City. 100% of the funds will go toward Rotacare Lake city. The funds will not only help with the medical clinic, but will also help begin funding for the dental clinic being planned!

As MAPS supporters, we would love for you to show your support and attend this event. We currently selling MAPS tickets. If you need tickets, we can make arrangements to deliver the tickets to you. Pre-Sale tickets cost $5 in advance. We understand that you are busy so if you would like to donate, please let us know and we can directly give your monetary donations to Rotacare Lake City.

Thank you for your support & we look forward to seeing you at the Talent Show.

Warm regards,

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