Global Dental Brigades fundraiser

Please come and support Global Dental Brigades: UW Chapter at the Second Annual Cafe on the Ave Open Mic Night – a fundraiser for the 2012 GDB Panama Trip!

Thursday night, come and enjoy the FREE musical talents of six local Seattle artists/bands while supporting a great cause. Throughout the night we will be having raffles for prizes, trivia, performances, and much more!

Cafe on the Ave 4201 University Way Northeast Seattle, WA 98105

**There will be a donations box for unused toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, mouth wash, hand sanitizer, or any toys and/or extra clothes. Please feel free to bring any of these items you might have on hand; anything and everything helps!

**All proceeds and donations will go to Global Dental Brigades: UW Chapter. This is a fundraising event put on to raise money for our 2012 trip to Panama.

More about the cause: Since 2008, Global Dental Brigades: UW Chapter has traveled to Honduras (2008-2010) and Panama (2011) for the purpose of promoting medical relief. As a non-profit, student-led organization, we are part of the greater Global Brigades Inc. which is dedicated to sustainable health and constructive social change. GDB delivers free dental services to rural communities that lack immediate medical attention. Our approach is to serve individuals as a mobile dental unit that offers free oral check-ups, adequate treatment, post-operative instructions, and teach the importance of proper oral care. During each of our trips, we have been successful in alleviating oral pain for almost 500 children and adults, in addition to educating about 1,000 individuals about oral hygiene. This summer, we will be traveling to Panama where we look forward to providing free, effective, accessible, and sustainable dental care for many families!

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