Join us for API Heritage Month 2012 at UW School of Medicine!

Come join us to commemorate Asian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month 2012 in the UW School of Medicine! API Heritage Month is celebrated every May in Washington state, and APAMSA has some exciting events planned over the next few weeks, including…

– A kickoff dinner social with Asian American physicians from diverse specialties (next Thursday!)

– A Burmese refugee panel where refugees in the Seattle area, and those who work with them, will share their experiences

– An acupuncture workshop featuring an interactive acupuncture demonstration

– A three-day bone marrow drive with an info session on the donation process and why it’s important to register

For more details, see below.

All UW students are welcome at all events – that includes undergrads and other health sciences students. We hope you’ll join us!

Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)

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Date/time: Thu, 4/26, 5:30 p.m. – Vista Cafe, Genome Sciences Building

RSVP at:

Come kick off API Heritage Month in style! We’ve invited local Asian American physicians from several different specialties to our kickoff social so you can learn more about their backgrounds and what they do. You’ll also be able to mingle with classmates and other health sciences students – and perhaps meet some new ones. We’ll provide dinner. As an added bonus, music by the musicians of MUWSOM!


Info session: Wed, 5/2, 5:30 p.m. – T-550, Health Sciences Building

Three-day drive: Mon, 5/7 to Wed, 5/9, 10:30-2:30 p.m. – Health Sciences Rotunda

Help out at the drive:

Bone marrow transplants are used to treat patients with lymphomas, aplastic anemia, leukemias and other immune deficiency disorders. They are often the best chance of curing patients and prolonging life. Ethnicity plays a large role in bone marrow matches – of the 8 million individuals registered, less than 30% are minorities (<10% Hispanic/Latino, 7.6% Black/African American, 7% Asian, 1% Native American). Signing up means you could potentially save someone's life, and contrary to popular belief, it is mostly done through peripheral blood now - no more invasive than a blood draw! If you're interested in helping out at the drive, please sign up at the link above. All the information you need will be provided at the info/training session where a Puget Sound Blood Bank member will be available to answer all your questions. We'll provide refreshments. PERSPECTIVES ON THE BURMESE REFUGEE COMMUNITY (PANEL) Date/time: Mon, 5/7, 6:30 p.m. - Room TBD; details later Sign up at:

We are excited to have Dr. Tao Kwan-Gett talk to us about his medical experiences working with the Burmese refugee community! Dr. Kwan-Gett will be joined by a member of Seattle’s Burmese refugee community, as well as Mona Han, who directs the Coalition for Refugees from Burma. Together, they will provide insight into the Burmese refugee population in Washington, and address issues on how we, as current and future health care providers, can better care for this population.


Date/time: Fri, 5/11, 5 pm – Room TBD; details later

Contact to RSVP, or for more information

Although only 0.2-0.5% of the U.S. population has chronic hepatitis B, over 50% of them are Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans. Depending on their country of origin, 5-15% of API immigrants have chronic hepatitis B. Come learn more as Dr. Chia Wang and medical students Eric Sid and Nicole Kim speak about their involvement with hepatitis B in medical practice and community outreach. Dinner will be provided.


Date/time: Thu, 5/17, 5:30 p.m. – Room TBD; details later

Sign up at:

Cindy Micleu, the founder and director of the Jade Institute in Seattle, will lead a workshop on acupuncture, a widely used complementary and alternative medicine treatment. She will provide an introduction to the theory of acupuncture and how it can be integrated with conventional medicine to promote the health and well-being of patients and the community. The workshop will also include an interactive acupuncture demonstration on volunteers from the audience. We’ll provide refreshments.

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