Global Health Lecture

> > Have you ever thought your study abroad or volunteering stint in the ‘developing’ world was… > A)… mostly a resume-booster? > B) … a burden on local communities? > C) … not giving you the full picture? > D) … a little unethical? > OR > E) …a fantastic experience that helped you make lasting, mutually beneficial connections and learn about life in another place and your role and responsibility in a world rife with inequality? > > How do we make E) the norm, rather than the exception? Join the CDF Friday at 330PM for a special dialogue with leaders from a group at the University of British Columbia aiming to do just that! > > As you know, CDF has been working with the Global Health Resource Center put on a few events during the fantastic Western Regional International Health Conference (WRIHC) starting this Friday – don’t miss the chance to REGISTER here . > > We want you to know about one very special pre-conference event on Friday afternoon, generously sponsored by the WRIHC and hosted by the CDF, that is free and open to the public: > > “Developing Our Capacity for Ethically Engaged Action: TheEIESL Project ” > Friday, 4/27 @ 330PM in SAV260 > > As more students from the UW and universities across the country travel abroad to study and serve, ethical dilemmas emerge. What can WE at the UW do to minimize the harm and maximize the benefit of this upswing in global engagement for both students and host communities? Come to hear and dialogue with students and faculty from our colleagues at UBC working to “ethicize” the way their campus engages globally. > > See more details below and here: This is just the start of the work the Ethical Engagement campaign in the CDF is hoping to pioneer on our campus, so come learn and contribute your ideas. Contact Daniel Ullom, to get involved in our work! > > We hope you can join us, not only at this event, but throughout the WRIHC conference! This is just the tip of the iceberg of great events scheduled. (So don’t wait to register !) > > Best, > Dean > > — > > Dean Chahim > Co-founder | Critical Development Forum > Bonderman Travel Fellow | University of Washington > > > | > > > — > > Developing Capacity for Ethically Engaged Action: The EIESL Project > > When: April 27th, 2012 at 3:30pm > > Where: Savery 260 > > What: Please join us for a special pre-keynote event co-sponsored by the Critical Development Forum to learn about the principles and creation of the Ethics of International Engagement and Service Learning (EIESL) project at the University of British Columbia (UBC). > > Learn more about the EIESL project on their blog and extensive web-based guidebook . > > About EIESL: The Ethics of International Engagement and Service-Learning (EIESL) Project is a participatory action initiative designed to explore the ethical implications of service abroad and to enable ethically inspired action in international engagement activities. Motivations for service can range from a positive desire to respond to social disparities and to promote social justice, as well as, and sometimes primarily to practice skills, secure research grants, enhance a resume, and opportunities for travel to “exotic” places. Aboriginal communities in Canada, after years of frustration with efforts they felt did not seem committed to the community began to impose rules for conducting projects in their communities, leading guidelines known as “the 4 Rs”: Respect, Relevance, Reciprocity and Responsibility. > > Please join us at this pre-conference dialogue event to learn about the EIESL project from faculty, staff and student perspectives, and to explore opportunities for developing our collective capacity for ethically engaged action at the University of Washington. > > This event is free and open to the public! > > Speakers: > > Shafik Dharamsi, BEd, MSc, PhD > Assistant Professor, Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine > Co-Investigator, Ethics of International Engagement and Service Learning (EIESL) > Lead Faculty, Global Health Network, Liu Institute for Global Issues > University of British Columbia > > Dr. Shafik Dharamsi is a professor at UBC in the Faculty of Medicine. His teaching and research focus on social responsibility and accountability in medicine, global health ethics and health advocacy. Internationally, he serves on the Global Task Force for Social Accountability as part of the Global Consensus for Social Accountability (GCSA) of Medical Schools. From 2005-2010 he served as Associate Director of the UBC Centre for International Health, and currently as Faculty Lead of the Global Health Network at the Liu Institute for Global Issues. Prior to coming to UBC he worked with the Aga Khan Development Network implementing an extensive health promotion and early-childhood development initiative in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. His work has been featured on a Canadian television documentary series, The Global Villagers. Dr. Dharamsi pioneered the UBC Ethics of International Engagement and Service Learning initiative that aims to raise critical consciousness and to prepare students for ethical leadership, civic engagement and global social responsibility. > > Matt Whiteman > MA Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program > Project Assistant and former Co-coordinator, EIESL > Coordinator, UBC Jump Start Program > University of British Columbia > > Lana McGuire > B Sc Candidate, Global Resource Systems, Nutrition and Maternal Health > Student Co-coordinator, EIESL > University of British Columbia > > > > > — > Critical Development Forum > reconnect – rethink – reshape > Web: > Facebook: Email:

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