Volunteer Opportunity

ADVOCATE Volunteers for Teen Feed

Teen Feed works with the community to offer support to meet basic needs, build strong relationships, and ally with homeless youth as they meet their future off the streets. With the tremendous support of the community, Teen Feed responds to the most basic needs of homeless youth with three programs: Teen Feed meal program, Street Talk Outreach Program (STOP), and Service Links for Youth (SLY).

Advocate volunteers are responsible adults over 18 years of age, who provide consistency and relationship during the Teen Feed meal. Advocate volunteers are present during the Teen Feed meal, building connections with youth and support coordination staff. Advocate volunteers receive special training and will be assigned an experienced Advocate volunteer mentor.

REQUIREMENTS: Two hours, one day a week for a minimum of three months of service (during the summer months) and a minimum of six months (during the school year). Requirements include a completed Volunteer Orientation, Advocate Application, and Washington State Patrol background check.

Please let me know if you need anything else!

Thank you,


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