Seeking Pre-Med Undergraduate Students for Research Study

Research Opportunity

Study Description: Adolescent accidental deaths caused by prescription drug abuse continue to rise across the country. Unfortunately, to date, there is no systematic review of the literature addressing effective interventions leaving communities to fight back with only anecdotal evidence and piecemeal solutions. This study lead by researchers in partner with First Med Defense seeks to produce such a systematic review that will amalgamate effective interventions currently scattered across the literature. It is our hope that the results of this study will help community benefit organizations, policy makers, and health care providers make informed decisions as they fight against this epidemic.

Benefits to Research Assistants: Research assistants will have the opportunity to train and engage in the most exciting parts of research and gain the relevant experience graduate schools and employers are looking for on applications including:

Applied Research

Research Authorship

Research with Socio-political Impact

Research Team Membership

Additionally, Research Assistants will also have the opportunity to network with physicians, healthcare administrators, and change management consultants. Letters of recommendation and authorship in published studies are also possible.

Interested in being a part of this study? This study is ideal for graduate students, undergraduate students or recent graduates considering advanced degrees/employment in Nursing, Healthcare Administration, Change Management and other related fields such as Social Work or Clinical Psychology. This study is accepting qualified research assistants from universities across the Seattle area that are able to devote approximately 8 hours a week to research.

If you are interested in applying to be a part of this study please email your name and the name the institution you attend to:

Rob Kirce

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