Public Health and Health Justice


I am a recent graduate of Public Health at the UW and a current AmeriCorps member at WithinReach. I will be leaving my AmeriCorps position shortly and was hoping that a MAPS student would be interested in filling my spot. I would highly recommend this position to those interested in resolving health inequities through access to health and nutrition.

If you could please forward the following message to the students on your listserv, I would really appreciate it:

WithinReach -a statewide non-profit that focuses on health and nutrition resources for low-income families in Washington-is seeking applicants for a 10.5 month AmeriCorps position, where they would serve as part of our growing community outreach team. This position seems to align well with the work of MAPS, and we hope to attract students who wish to continue pursuing these interests on the job.

The AmeriCorps position description can be found here:

Thank you in advance for sharing this opportunity with your students,


Anisa Khaleel

Anisa Khaleel

Community Outreach Specialist/AmeriCorps

WithinReach|essential resources for family health

155 N.E. 100th St., #500

Seattle, WA 98125

P 206.830.5172

F 206.270.8891


Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711B Seattle, WA 98105!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654

Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711B. Click here for a map:

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