University of Virginia Summer Research Opportunities

Dear Undergraduate Researcher or Research Advisor,

The Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs at the University of Virginia has exciting opportunities for those interested in either graduate Ph.D. degree programs or summer research experiences. Please review the brief descriptions below, where you will find links to our websites with full information about our programs and how to apply. We sincerely hope you will consider joining us as we strive to provide students with the requisite knowledge and skills to lead efforts to cure and/or better treat human disease in the 21st Century.

22nd Annual University of Virginia Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP)

Ten week summer research internships are available for qualified undergraduates considering a career in biomedical research. We provide a generous stipend, round-trip travel, and housing to those accepted. Supported by peer-reviewed NIH grants and other extramural organizations, SRIP exposes a diverse group of students to current biomedical research. SRIP alumni have had great success at starting their research careers and many have enrolled in our graduate programs at UVA.

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Studies

Completion of a Ph.D. Program is not easy. Indeed, there are many long hours of studying, and many days and evenings in the laboratory. However, the rewards are very significant. There is little that can match the joy and excitement of discovery, the satisfaction of understanding a complex process, and the knowledge that what you are doing may lead to improvements in the health of mankind. We believe that the Ph.D. Programs at the University of Virginia School of Medicine are among the best in the country and we invite you to join us.


Jeff Baker Jeff Baker | Graduate Programs Office | UVA School of Medicine Box 800738 | Charlottesville, VA 22908 | Office: 1146 McKim Hall Phone: 434-924-1757 | Fax: 434-243-1434 |

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