USPHA First General Members Spring Meeting!

Hi Everyone!

The Undergraduate Student Public Health Association (USPHA) is having its first general members meeting this spring quarter! Please join us for an exciting session about study abroad opportunities on Tuesday, April 5th at 5:30pm in Savery 130. There will be an advisor from the International Programs and Exchanges (IPE) office speaking about the various public health related study abroad programs available to students as well as two Public Health students who recently returned from their trips to India and Taiwan to share their experiences. The attached document contains information on international opportunities in Public and Global Health. Check it out and come with questions for our IPE advisor!

We will also reveal an amazing deal on a Princeton Review GRE course auction during the meeting! In addition, the club is offering a GRE Mock Exam for members to take. Exams will be graded by Princeton Review and results will be provided to members. The GRE Mock Exam will be held on Saturday, April 9th from 10am-1pm.

If you are not a member yet, fear not! We will be selling T-shirts at this meeting as there are many many benefits to come if you are a member of the club!

Please feel free to email Amy Tseng at with any questions you may have about the meeting or club or anything else!

Hope to see you on Tuesday, April 5th at 5:30pm in Savery 130!

~Your USPHA Officers

doc iconIntl opportunities in Public Health & GlobalHealth.doc

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