Freshman Collegium Seminar — space available!

Join an intellectual community with the University of Washington Provost! Freshman Collegium Seminars are designed to introduce first year students to an interesting topic or question, guided by a faculty member. There is still space available in a seminar focused on health psychology being taught by Psychology professor and University of Washington Provost Ana Mari Cauce. (Want to know what a provost does? Visit:

Here are the details:

Stress and Coping: A Glimpse into Health Psychology M 8:30-9:50, SLN:14345

GEN ST 197 (E): This seminar will help students learn how to understand and critique research in the field of health psychology, including how to distinguish between rigorous science and “pop” psychology. At the same time it will encourage them to use this research as a tool to examine, reflect upon, and improve their own lives during a time that is typically marked by high levels of stress.

Professor Ana Mari Cauce, Psychology

Ana Mari Cauce, University of Washington Provost and Executive Vice President, is the Earl R. Carlson Professor of Psychology; she holds a joint appointment in American Ethnic Studies and secondary appointments in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, and in the College of Education. Her research program focuses on adolescent development, with a special emphasis on youth “at-risk.” She has also been active in work encouraging women and minorities to pursue careers in the STEM fields.

If you are a freshman, you can register for this seminar directly! If you are a first year student with credits that give you sophomore standing, email to be added.

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