Global Dental Brigades in Central America

/Hey, everyone!/ /Global Dental Brigades: UW Chapter is a non-profit student organization on campus that is dedicated to connecting pre-dentals with local dentists in an effort to provide free, effective, and accessible oral care to underserved populations in Central America. Since 2008, we have traveled to Honduras (2008 – 2010) and Panama (2011 – 2012) in late August, for the purpose of promoting medical and dental relief. / /As a non-profit student-led organization, we are part of the greater Global Brigades Incorporated, which is dedicated to sustainable health and creating positive social change. We deliver free dental services to rural communities that lack immediate medical attention. Our approach is to serve individuals as a mobile dental unit that offers free oral check-ups, adequate treatment, post-operative instructions, and rudimentary education about the importance of proper oral hygiene. / /GDB applications are now open! We encourage new students to come aboard every year! Please finish the application by *February 1, 2013* and we will let you know your admission status as soon as possible./ /Here’s the link! –> / * * /Best,/ /2013 GDB Officers/

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