OPS Winter 2013 Event

Hi everyone, The Operation Smile team at UW would like to inform you about our main Winter quarter event to help fund-raise for our cause. We will be holding our first Super Smash Brothers Tournament on March 6th at the HUB. The time for the event is yet to be confirmed but will be set within the next week. We hope to see a positive turnout and are looking forward to making this a successful event. In order to make this successful we ask for your help by informing your members about our cause that help hundreds of children who suffer from the consequences of cleft lip/palate in developing countries. Additionally, it would be greatly appreciated if you could also inform your members about the event. We are focused on making this a collaborative effort among our team members and informing other student organizations as well. It is always heartwarming to know that the money we raised at our events goes to directly support the improvement of these children. Our next meeting will be help this Thursday, February 7th in Savery 130, at 3:30pm for anyone who is interested in attending and helping our cause. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration and hope to possibly collaborate further in the future. Thank you, Operation Smile UW

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