Join a global Pre Med project this summer

Join a global Pre Med project this summer Gap Medics Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter *Projects available for students in: Pre-Medicine* *Pre-Nursing* *Pre-Dentistry* *Pre-NurseMidwifery* *Pre-PA How does it work?* *Contact Us!* _Check out our blog for loads of Pre-Heath articles and read about students who joined the 2012 program_ Do you want to study Medicine?? *Gap Medics Pre-Med Summer Camp 2013* Gap Medics is an international pre-health program available for students from colleges all across the USA. Join a 2 week project this summer shadowing medical professionals in *Thailand on Sunday the 26th of May or Tanzania on Sunday the 9th of June!***Interactive and educational mentorship will provide you with a unique insight into life and work in international hospitals; an amazing opportunity to experience other cultures and to learn about global healthcare from doctors in a real working environment! While on placement you will live at one of our own houses with a group of pre-med students from all over the world and where a full team of Gap Medics staff are on hand 24 hours a day! If you are interested in studying in any field of medicine or healthcare in the near future and would benefit from gaining experience shadowing professional physicians then Gap Medics is for you! *There are very limited places for this amazing project and its filling up fast – contact us for more information – apply now at!* Why Gap Medics is different, click here to learn more about this amazing program! *Gap Medics – Launching American Medical Careers in 2013* *Call us Toll-Free on: 1-866-922-8539* With many years experience of managing specialised medical work experience placements we are experts in our field offering by far the most interactive, educational and inspirational program available! Depending on where you study Gap Medics may be eligible for academic credit; speak with your college advisors about the Gap Medics program for further information. *”Gap Medics has far surpassed any expectations that I originally had; I was able to obtain real medical knowledge and experiences that I truly believe I couldn’t have received from any other program!” Bryant Elrick of Colorado joined Gap Medics in 2012, Read about Bryant’s time in Tanzania here! * /Gap Medics / / +44 191 230 8080 Churchill House 12 Mosley Street Newcastle, UK, NE11DE/

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