Health Career Banquet early bird tickets on sale tomorrow!

Hello Hand2Hand, We have an exciting announcement! Hand2Hand will be tabling for Health Career Banquet early bird tickets on red square from 10-2pmTOMORROW! Tickets are only $12 for this valuable networking opportunity for all pre-health students! For more information about the event, please access our event’s facebook page: Early Bird Paypal: Let us know what specialties you are interested in: *Q: What is Health Career Banquet (HCB)? *A: HCB is an annual event held by UW Hand2Hand where UW students are able to have dinner with physicians, dentists, pharmacists and other health professionals whom are open to discussion about their road to their careers, their personal interests/goals, and more. Not only is an excellent opportunity for those interested in healthcare to understand the process of application, schooling and training in such fields, this is also a VERY good opportunity for those who would like to connect with professionals for shadowing, research or other networking opportunities. Thanks, Hand2Hand officers

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