Looking for leadership experience? 2 more credits? Join the Dream Project (EDUC 260 and EDUC 369)

Most of you have likely heard of the Dream Project at some point–you’ve probably seen our lawn signs or your roommate has been a mentor. Maybe you’ve been meaning to join but never fit it into your schedule. Now’s the time! We would love to have you join us this spring as we begin working with a brand new cohort of mentees. In a few weeks, we’ll be pairing undergrads like you with low-income high school juniors in local high schools to get them inspired about college, guide them on signing up and preparing for the SAT/ACT, help them plan what colleges to apply to in the fall, and start applying to scholarships. In the words of a recent Dream Project mentee who is now a UW freshman, “You never know what conversation with a student is going to totally change their life trajectory.” Other than a transformative leadership experience, resume building, great new friends, and the knowledge that you made a difference in students’ lives, what’s in it for you? * 2 credits (1 credit of EDUC 260, lecture; 1 credit of EDUC 369, high school visit) * I&S credit for EDUC 260, Service Learning (S) credit for both EDUC 260 and 369 * Transportation to the high schools is included! * FREE COFFEE every week at the five early morning visits. * First-hand learning about educational access, mentoring strategies, and social justice. * Writing credit is available. Find out more at www.dreamproject.org/wcredit If you don’t want credit, you can have the exact same experience participating on a volunteer basis. For details about how to register, see www.dreamproject.org/register, email us at uwdreamproject@uw.edu or stop by the Dream Project Center in Mary Gates 274. We welcome students of all majors or premajors, freshmen through super-senior, who are interested in becoming mentors. Thanks! Nicole Guenther UW Dream Project Program Coordinator

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