MSAR Guidebook and MSAR Online now available

Very exciting news for premed students!

The Medical School Admissions Requirement Book (MSAR) is now available online for only $15! This book has all sorts of good information in the introductory chapters about medical school admissions, specialties, financing your medical education, etc. that is a great read for premeds at any stage (and – by the way, these chapters are free online at So why pay the $15, you ask? Because the remainder of the book gives you information about each allopathic medical school in the US and Canada. You can read school’s mission statements, curricular highlights, and admissions statistics all in one place.

For those of you applying to osteopathic medical schools, you can download the Osteopathic Medical College Information Book (OMCIB???) for FREE at

See more details below, and enjoy your day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heather Clineschmidt Academic Counselor (206) 543-2550

From AAMC __________________________________________________________________________

We’re pleased to announce the launch of the new online version of the Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR®) guide, which offers students access to more comprehensive information and data.

We’re are also excited to announce the launch of the Medical School Directory ( ), which features some of the same search functionality of MSAR Online, as well as general information, contact information, and urls for each of our member medical schools and the combined baccalaureate/MD programs featured in MSAR. The Directory will soon be linked from various places in the AAMC’s web site currently linking to medical school listings.

MSAR is now Available In Print and Online

This year, the MSAR is available two ways:

Printed Guidebook At $25, the price of MSAR printed guidebook remains the same this year. The school detail pages have been condensed to a single page, with most tabular data available only online. Again, access codes are printed in each book, giving users one year of unlimited use of MSAR Online information, data and functionality.

Online MSAR® Online can be purchased for $15. Users are given one year of unlimited access to MSAR Online and can perform advanced searches, sort search results by a variety of criteria, save favorites, and compare schools side-by-side. The online version contains even more medical school data than in earlier editions of the MSAR. In fact, there are nearly 2300 pages of information and data contained in MSAR Online. Some of the new information offered this year includes:

· Tuition policy

· Expanded information on Student Life

· Type of academic system

· Policy on accepting out-of-state applicants

· The school’s commitment to primary care

· Regional campus locations and affiliated hospitals

· Total direct research grants and contracts

· Direct link to the MSAR BS/MD program page within the school’s listing

For full details on product features, applicant worksheets, motivational stories and the terms and conditions for using the site, see the MSAR web site, at .

On behalf of MSAR staff, many thanks to the numerous medical school contributors who worked tirelessly with us to help create the MSAR Online, the Medical School Directory, and MSAR Guidebook.

Warmest regards,

Tami Levin

Tami Levin Senior Web and Technology Specialist Academic Affairs/Student Affairs and Programs

Association of American Medical Colleges 2450 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037-1127 T (202) 862-6084 F (202) 862-6060 E

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