2013 HIHIM Application due in 14 Days!!

Hello Advisers, The Health Informatics and Health Information Management (HIHIM) application deadline (April 15) is just two weeks away. However, prospective students need not wait till the last minute to submit their application. HIHIM admits new students only once per year. Our academic year begins in June. http://depts.washington.edu/hihim/admission Prospects may contact myself (marcuss@uw.edu) or Suki Kwon (skwon@pce.uw.edu) if they have questions about prerequisite courses or the application. Suki Kwon is the specialist to help with the application to UW Admissions for those seeking to transfer. Regards, Marcus — Marcus Stringer Program Coordinator, HIHIM 4333 Brooklyn Ave. NE., Box 359455 Seattle, WA 98195 Web: http://depts.washington.edu/hihim Ph: (206)616-5807 Fx: (206)543-8609

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