American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers needed!

Did you know that indoor tanning use before the age of 35 can increase your risk of melanoma by 75%? Are you passionate about advocacy, public health policy, grass-roots organization and reducing the prevalence of skin cancer in the future? The Student Health Consortium and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) are working together to create more awareness around the dangers of indoor tanning. May is national No Tan Month and to coincide with this timing we are looking for volunteers who would be committed to working with the Student Health Consortium and the Cancer Action Network to promote this campaign. I have attached some interesting tanning bed misconceptions if you wanted more information on why we are advocating for No Tan Month. If you or your organization is interested in our upcoming work with the Cancer Action Network please send an e-mail to pdf iconTanning Bed Misconceptions Debunked.pdf default iconUntitled attachment 00055.txt

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