Environmental Health Classes for Non Majors

———————————————– Environmental Health classes open to non-majors: ENV H 440/545 Water, Wastewater and Health https://sdb.admin.washington.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=AUT+2013&SLN=14001 Review of water supply, water quality, and water/wastewater treatment as they relate to human health. Includes water law and regulations, source water protection, basic treatment technologies for water and waste, chemical and microbial contaminants, and recreational water. ENV H 451/541 Ecology of Transmission of Microbiological Hazards https://sdb.admin.washington.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=AUT+2013&SLN=14002 Focuses on the transmission of infectious microorganisms by air, food, water, and other environmental media. Provides an introduction to environmentally transmitted pathogens, and discusses factors affecting their environmental fate, transport, and persistence.



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