URP seeks Undergraduate Research Leaders – apply by Aug. 12

——– Original message ——– From: Undergraduate Research Program <urp@uw.edu> Date: 07/29/2013 5:02 PM (GMT-08:00) To: advisers@u.washington.edu Subject: [Advisers] URP seeks Undergraduate Research Leaders – apply by Aug. 12 Apply to be an Undergraduate Research Leader Due Monday, August 12, 2013 The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) is seeking enthusiastic and experienced undergraduate researchers, scholars and artists from all disciplines to be Undergraduate Research Leaders (URLs) for the 2013-14 academic year. URLs serve a central role in connecting undergraduates to URP. The goal for URLs is to increase awareness and participation of undergraduates in research from a range of disciplines (e.g., humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, etc). Anticipated URL time commitment is approximately 8-10 hours/month and dependent on quarterly events and student availability. More information and application available here. Questions? Contact the URP Staff at urp@uw.edu or (206) 543-4282 Best, URP Staff _____________________________________________ Undergraduate Research Program  Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity | Undergraduate Academic Affairs University of Washington Box 352803 | 171 Mary Gates Hall PH: 206.543.4282 | FAX: 206.616.4389 http://exp.washington.edu/urp/ facebook.com/undergradresearch

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