Pacific ASDA Presents: Pre-Dental Day at Pacific Dugoni!

Hello! I am writing on behalf of *Pacific ASDA* at the University of the Pacific. Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. We are hosting a Pre-Dental day here at the School of Dentistry, which is a great opportunity for Pre-Dental students who are getting ready to apply or thinking of applying to dental school! This is a great experience where they will get first-hand experience with periodontal probing, learn more about dental school, attend helpful workshops, get advice from dental students, participate in mock interviews, and much more! *Please help us by distributing the attached letter or forwarding this email to potentially interested students!* The event will take place on *September 7, 2013*. For more information of what will be happening throughout the day, check out our webpage : If the students would like their mock interview to be videotaped, they are encouraged to bring a recording device and we’ll be happy to videotape for them. We will also offering feedback on their personal statements during the day if students email their statements to us before hand. The cost is $230 ($175 ONLY if you are already an ASDA Predental member) and includes: – three meals – guided workshops – multiple mock interviews – Presentations on the interview process – tons of advice – UOP fun! – and more! Students may register here Space is limited to the first 100 registrants, so claim your spot ASAP! If you have any questions about the event, or if we can be of any assistance in helping you get the word out to your students, we are more than happy to help. — *Andrew Cummings* *University Of The PACIFIC* *Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry* *Class of 2015* /ASDA President/ doc icon ASDA-Pre-Dental-Day.doc

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