10k for 10 Days Challenge starts April 19th!!! Make sure to raise as much as possible on Tuesday, April 19th so WE can get the FREE MUFFINS & COFFEE on the morning of the Relay! We’re competing vs. other teams grouped into 10 different color groups. We’re in the Black Team joined by 19 other teams, like UW Dream Project 🙂

How can this be done? E-mailing everyone in your contacts!! Ask your friends, family, and neighbor to donate. Just be sure to hold out until April 19th.

If you haven’t joined yet, here’s how you can become a part of the Health-related RSOs’ TEAM!


1) 2) Click “Sign up” 3) Click “Join an existing team” 4) Search: UW Health Leaders 5) Click join, then select “Team Member or Individual” 6) Complete registration ($15) Show that UW BLACK TEAM Rules!

~Yen, Sindhu & Sarah (Your UW Health Leaders’ Captains)

P.S. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me @

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