Events This Week

Greetings Premeds, This coming Tuesday, October 7th, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM will be AED’s first Study Session of the year! It will be held in Savery 162 and not the previously advertised Paccar room. Stop by to meet your fellow AED members and find people in your classes to study with. Officers will be present to help answer questions (most of us have taken many of the prerequisites classes for premed). Member points will be offered! Here are some other exciting opportunities as well: For those who are interested in shadowing, come learn about an incredible shadowing program over spring break focused on learning about rural medicine and health in under served populations! Health Care Alternative Spring Break (HCASB) will be having two info sessions. the first one is this thurs, October 10th from 6-7 pm in Sav room 264. The second one is Wednesday, Oct. 16th from 5-6 pm in Smith room 304. Come volunteer with American Heart Association at their 2013 Puget Heart and Stroke Walk! The walk is being held at the Seattle Center on October 26, 2013. This is a great way to get involved with raising awareness and money for cardiovascular research. Shifts will be open on October 25th for set-up and October 26th for the actual race. If you are interested, please e-mail Mitchell at> for more information. Also, don’t forget to sign up for ISIS tours. The dates are as follows: Tues October 8th (1:00 pm-2:00 pm) Tues October 22 (10:30am -11:30 am) Thurs October 24th (9:30am-10:30am) Please, email Val at> to sign up; saying you will attend on the Facebook page will not register you for the tour! And lastly, if you are interested in having an officer mentor, fill out the survery ( before 9:00 PM, Tuesday, October 15th. Have a great week! – Jack Mo Webmaster, AED 2013-2014 default iconATT00001.c

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