Healthcare Shadowing Opportunity – Frontier Nursing Courier Program

Please consider sharing this information about the Frontier Nursing Courier Internship Program with your students. In existence since the 1920’s, this service learning program offers participants a premier opportunity to shadow healthcare practitioners in rural and underserved communities both at primary healthcare clinics and birth centers, learn about Appalachia, and grow personally. Site placements are located in the Appalachian regions of Kentucky and Tennessee. Read more about the program by visiting Applications 2014 program (June 9 – August 1) are due February 1, 2014 and will be online soon. Accepted applicants will be notified during February 2014 after an oral interview process. A video about the experience: Frontier Nursing Courier Program Video (2013) Please contact me with your questions. I would say more and attach handouts for more information…but there’s a limit on what I can type on this email list! Nancy L. Reinhart, MPH, CD(DONA) Courier Program Coordinator 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, KY 41775 (859) 899-2827 CELL: (502) 836-8100 FAX: (859) 899-2941 SKYPE: nlrein02 FRONTIER NURSING UNIVERSITY Courier Program Visit, Learn more, Apply:

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