UW Libraries Undergraduate Research Award (PleasePromote!)

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of UW Libraries, I am pleased to announce the eighth annual Library Research Award for Undergraduates.

The Research Award recognizes undergraduate students for excellent research and scholarship that demonstrates creative use of scholarly materials.

Please encourage your students to participate. Most of our student applicants say they submitted because they were encouraged to by their instructors.

Students may submit any research project they’ve completed between Spring 2010 and Spring 2011. In addition, they are asked to submit a short reflective essay about the research process.

– *Deadline*: Monday, May 16, 2011. – Winners receive $1,000. – Categories: Senior Thesis/Honors Thesis, Senior Non-Thesis, and Non-Senior – Any media (project format) accepted.

Application information, previous winners, and selection criteria are available at:


The award jury is comprised of librarians and faculty evaluators, crossing disciplines and the three UW campuses.

Questions? Email: libaward@uw.edu

Thank you,

UW Libraries

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