Learn About Environmental Studies at UW and the Volunteer Organization, Seattle Youth Gardenworks — and Get a Free Lunch

This kick-off event will inform students about Environmental Studies at UW and a non profit organization – Seattle Youth Garden Works – which works with underserved and homeless youth in the area.  A free lunch will be served. Thank you for spreading the  word.

Nosh on Nature Lunch Speaker Series

Thursday, Sept. 25 in Wallace Hall 012, 12:30-1:30pm

Lunch Provided  – 

RSVP Required: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/juljohn/246958             

Seattle Youth Garden Works empowers homeless and underserved youth through garden-based education and employment. Kristen Rower, Program Manager of Seattle Youth Garden Works will talk about how this program provides employment training in sustainable urban agriculture. Hear how participants get experience with growing, cooking and selling produce, and find out how you can get involved.

Nosh on Nature is a regular speaker series bringing students, alumni, faculty and environmental professionals together over lunch to talk about the latest environmental issues. Nosh on Nature is hosted by Environmental Studies at the UW Program on the Environment.

For more information, contact Julie Johnston: juljohn@uw.edu, 206.616.1208

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