Juris Master (JM) in Health Law from Emory: Another Interesting Gap Year Idea

Emory Law’s juris master (JM) in Health Law provides a unique opportunity for healthcare students and professionals.  The JM is a 30-credit hour program that can be completed full-time in one year or part-time in up to four years, and is designed for individuals who want to supplement their academic and/or professional background with a knowledge of the law as it relates to their industry or profession . . .  in this case health law or healthcare policy and management.

We have seen healthcare professionals in various stages of their professional careers pursue this degree,  including a chief of neurology, physicians, radiologist, and 2nd– and 4th-year medical students, and think that the JM in Health Law would also benefit undergraduate students who want to shore up their medical school application during their gap year as well as medical students that want to differentiate themselves to increase their chances of matching for a residency.  The following quote is from a JM student who did just that . . .

The JM in Health Law was instrumental in obtaining my residency–during my residency interviews, the first question asked was about my juris master degree in health law. Interviewers loved the idea and expressed interest in the program.  Dr. April Carter, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Internal Medicine Residency Program,  Memphis, TN.

To find out more information, contact Lynn Labuda at llabuda@emory.edu or 404-712-1397, and/or register for an upcoming event.


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