Udall Scholarship for Sophomores and Juniors

Pre-health students are eligible for Udall Scholarships if they show a commitment to Native American health care. See below for details about info sessions and the application process.


The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to American Indian nations or to the environment. Selected Udall Scholars receive up to $5000 for eligible academic expenses. The Udall scholarship honors the legacies of Morris Udall and Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on American Indian self-governance, health care, and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.
Applicants for the Udall Scholarship are selected on the basis of the following:
·         Commitment to a career related to the environment, or to tribal public policy, or to American Indian health care;
·         Leadership, public service, consensus building, and integrity;
·         Academic achievement;  and
·         An understanding of the Udall legacy, demonstrated through the application essay.
Upcoming Information Sessions:
·         4:00 – 4:50 p.m., Monday, October 13, 2014, 173Q MGH Team Room
·         1:00 – 1:50 p.m., Tuesday, October 29, 2014, 173Q MGH Team Room
Campus Application Can be found at this link:
For more information, please see the Udall websites:


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