GO! and Fritz Scholarships for UW Students Planning to Study Abroad

The GO! and Fritz Scholarships are open to UW undergraduates from all three campuses and offer awards of $2000 – $5000 to support study abroad.

  • The applications are online: http://expd.uw.edu/globalopportunities/global-opportunities
  • To apply for the GO!, students must be residents of WA state and eligible for Pell Grants or Husky Promise.
  • To apply for the Fritz, students must be declared social science or humanities majors with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

The deadline for GO! and Fritz applications is Thursday, November 6 at 5pm. 

  • Students studying abroad during winter or spring 2015 should apply now.
  • Students studying abroad in summer or autumn 2015 should apply at our next deadline in April.
  • Info sessions are:   Wednesday, Oct. 29,  at 3:30pm in 171 Mary Gates Hall.
  • Students are welcome to email goglobal@uw.edu with questions.

Information will also be available from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Study Abroad Fair, October 23 and the Scholarship & Fellowship Fair, October 30 — Both in the Commons, Mary Gates Hall.

We invite all students interested in study abroad (and advisers too!) to our next Study Abroad Meet & Greet on Wednesday, Oct. 29  from 4:30 – 5:30pm in 171 Mary Gates Hall

  • GO! and Fritz Scholars just back from their studies abroad will be there to talk about their experiences and answer questions.
  • Delicious international snacks will be served!
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