2015 Carlson Civic Fellowship

2015 Carlson Civic Fellowship 

The Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center is pleased to announce three PAID FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for University of Washington undergraduate students. Through the Carlson Civic Fellowship program, the Carlson Center will hire three Fellows to work at three local non-profits.

The host sites for 2015 Carlson Civic Fellows will be:

  • Entre Hermanos / LGBT Latino Public Policy and Community Mobilization Fellow
  • International Rescue Committee / Citizenship-Preparation Program Fellow
  • Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (“SCIDpda” / IDEA Space: Public Safety Program Fellow

Students selected as Carlson Civic Fellows will commit to working with their community non-profit 10 hours per week from January-June 2015 and will receive a $2,500 stipend for their work. In addition to their work with their host site, Carlson Civic Fellows will also:

  • Participate in a 3-credit (credit/no-credit) Community-Based Leadership (CBL) course offered through the Carlson Center during Winter Quarter.
  • Create a Personal Development Plan articulating goals for their time enrolled in the fellowship, and participate in regular advising sessions with a Carlson Center staff member to assess their progress and development.
  • Identify personal strengths and leadership styles through structured activities and reflection exercises; integrate this understanding and awareness into service with their community organization.

Brief descriptions of the three fellowship opportunities are below.  For a detailed description of each opportunity, more information about Carlson Civic Fellowship components and requirements, and application materials, please visit the Carlson Center website: http://www.washington.edu/carlson/carlson-civic-fellowship-students/.

Applications must be received by Monday, October 20 at 5:00 PM

Questions?  Contact Talya Gillman, 206.616.2885 or engage@uw.edu. 


 2015 Carlson Civic Fellowship Positions 

Entre Hermanos

LGBT Latino Public Policy and Community Mobilization

The Carlson Civic Fellow will help Entre Hermanos strengthen its 2015 legislative social justice agenda, geared towards promoting the health and well-being of the Latino LGBTQ community. The Fellow will participate in information-gathering discussions with various stakeholders; conduct research on community needs and interests; support the development of related Communication strategies to spark community mobilization; engage in direct advocacy activities; assist in the evaluation of the 2015 Legislative Session’s outcomes and recalibration of legislative priorities as needed; and help with early implementation of Entre Hermanos’ social justice agenda, while planning towards the sustainability of the organizations legislative efforts over time. 

International Rescue Committee

Citizenship-Preparation Program

The Carlson Civic Fellow will support the IRC in Seattle’s efforts to improve and strengthen its citizenship-preparation programming for the organization’s primary client-base, refugees resettled to the United States. Refugees are eligible for citizenship through naturalization 5 years after their arrival in this country, and IRC in Seattle believes that more refugees would apply for citizenship if they felt confident in their abilities to pass the naturalization test. The Carlson Civic Fellow will evaluate other citizenship preparation courses offered both within King County and across the country, and consult with IRC staff on which best practices could be implemented by the organization. Using this information, the Civic Fellow will design and pilot a pilot citizenship-preparation project – with an eye towards evaluation and program sustainability, and with the dedicated support of IRC staff and volunteers.

Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDpda)

IDEA Space: Public Safety Program

SCIDpda works to revitalize Seattle’s Chinatown International District neighborhood through economic and community development efforts that are designed to preserve the community’s multi-ethnic culture and heritage. The Carlson Civic Fellow will aid SCIDpda in two programs, addressing issues of public safety and community engagement: 1) The organization’s twice-weekly, evening Neighborhood Block Watch program focuses on crime prevention and ownership of the streets, but has been on hiatus for over a year. The Fellow will work with SCIDpda staff to jumpstart participation in the initiative amongst neighborhood residents, employees, business owners, families and others, propelling community empowerment, efficacy and cohesion. 2) They will also provide valuable strategic, recruitment and logistical support leading up to, and during, the organization’s neighborhood Spring Clean program, taking place in April 2015.

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