Undergraduate Scholarship & Fellowship Fair

Undergraduate Scholarship & Fellowship Fair:  Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014

10am-2pm, Mary Gates Hall Commons

This event is an opportunity for UW undergraduates and alumni to learn about and explore the variety of scholarships, fellowships, and other funded programs to consider for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate years. Graduate students are also welcome to attend. Program representatives from over 30 UW, local and national organizations, agencies, departments, etc. will be tabling, as well as offering information sessions throughout the day. Please stop by anytime from 10am-2pm (and beyond)!

The list of participating programs is available at http://expd.washington.edu/scholarshipfair.

Throughout the fair, several programs will also be offering more in-depth information sessions (all held in MGH 171):

National Institutes of Health – 10:30am

Marshall Scholarship Program – 11:30am

Washington State Opportunity Scholarship – 12:30pm

Rhodes Scholarships – 1:00pm

USAID Donald M. Payne Fellowship & Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowships – 2:30pm

Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship – 3:30pm

Please see http://expd.washington.edu/scholarshipfair/forstudents for complete information session details and to RSVP for sessions.

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