MEDIC meeting: January 12 from 5 to 6:30

On Monday, January 12 from 5 to 6:30, MEDIC will be holding a meeting in Health Sciences T-wing room T498.

This week at MEDIC Shahar will be leading a discussion surrounding stigma and discrimination against obesity in the health care industry.
• This cnn article gives a insight into discrimination against obese people (specifically women) in the clinical world:
• This article is very long but very interesting. The most relevant section is titled “A threat to quality health care”. Covers similar information as the cnn article:
• Discusses the issues surrounding employer based financial incentives for weight loss:

Navigating the Health Sciences building can be tricky. Enter through the main T wing entrance (bridge across Pacific St), turn right right before you get to the Overpass Cafe. Bring your friends! Snacks will be provided!

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at and be sure to like us on Facebook at for updates about MEDIC and bioethics in the media.

Hope to see you there!

MEDIC Officers
Jane Kwon, Shahar Levari, Julia Buschmann, Kaia Barth and James Gillespie

University of Washington Student Organization
Affiliated with Bioethics and Humanities

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