Public Meetings: Physicians for a National Health Program


Saturday, March 28: 7:00pm

Kane Hall, Room 120

University of Washington, Seattle 98195

Physicians for a National Health Program of Western Washington will host their 10th Annual Public Meeting, “Grassroots Organizing for Health and Social Justice.” We are honored to be able to present what will be a valuable weekend of learning from experts about strategies of the grassroots organizing that is indispensable as we move forward to counter the corporate influences that affect all of our lives. Featured speakers:

Margaret Flowers, MD: PNHP-Maryland, founder and editor, Popular

James Haslam: Executive Director, Vermont Workers Center

Kshama Sawant: Seattle City Council Member, 15NOW campaign

More information at:


Friday, March 27: 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Vista Court Café, William H. Foege Hall

University of Washington, Seattle, 98195

Special student session of the Annual Public Meeting, hosted by Students for a National Health Program at the University of Washington. All students are welcome to join us on Friday evening for a discussion with Margaret Flowers and James Haslam about the role of students in healthcare reform.




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